Starting your own business or selling an existing
business as a going concern can be daunting.
Our aim is to help you start on the right track
so that you can avoid the common pitfalls and
concentrate on building a thriving business or
structuring the sale business transactions in
the most tax efficient way.
We can advise on all aspect of starting a business
including business structure, business plan, arranging
finance, accounting system and other matters.
The importance and use of Business Plan is outline
and assess your business objectives and strategy,
business assets, financial forecasts, staff, products/services
and markets in which you wish to operate in.
Business Plans covers short, medium and long term
which could be a period of one to five years. Most
businesses prepare business plans to raise finance
for starting-up, expansion and for additional working
We can assist you to raise finance from banks and/or
financial institutions to purchase a business of
a going concern that meets your business needs and
requirements after due consultation with us. Also,
we can advise you business structure formation, liase
with your chosen solicitors on your behalf on the
terms of Purchase or Sale agreements.
For further information on any of our services
or to make a business enquiry please complete our
Enquiry Form.